Sully's Gifts

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Sully's Gifts

“Nobody buys this whiskey for drinking.”

Those were the words of Sully’s owner Randy Piper in a 2009 Tennessean article after the State Alcoholic Beverage Commission accused him of “bootlegging” following a raid of his Lynchburg square stores back in 2007.

Just shy of the kickoff to the 2007 Jack Daniel’s World Invitational Barbecue in Lynchburg, state agents raided Piper’s stores – Sully’s Gifts and Cowboy Jacks – and walked away with a $1 million rare whiskey collection that included a rare 1914 Gold Medal bottle worth an estimated $10,000.

Over the next two years, Piper worked with state officials and racked up a nearly $40,000 legal bill and unmuddied the waters and prevent the same thing from ever happening to another collector here in the state. In the end, he worked with multiple state legislatures to develop a special category of liquor license just for collectors.

Today, he continues to buy, sell, and trade rare whiskey and is widely respected in the area and the country as one of the foremost experts on collectible bottles of Jack Daniel’s whiskey.